
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Idk if I'm ready to call his offensive peak better than Lebrons.

KD's? Absolutely. Curry? Most likely. LeBron? Possibly.

But these ultra effecient 30 point triple doubles have become more common than they were with LeBron.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (13 children)

Can we stop calling Giannis or KD the best player in the world now after a quarter of a season?

Jokic has been the best player in the world for 2 years. Back to back mvp, finals MVP, and he looks as good as ever.

There's no one on the planet in his tier right now

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Good for the league.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

After all the talk last year, and watching Jokic put a light-year between the two, he now wants to learn to be a passer.

Will see what happens. Good on Nurse. But a historically bad regular season to playoff fall off becoming a copycat certainly doesn't bode well

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Until he does anything in games that matters, don't care what this top 6 player does.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I think this is about FAR more than sports to you my friend.

Nihilism may be the most unhealthy philosophy to live life by.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

MJ, LeBron, Shaq for certain imo.

I think you could make a case for Bird and Hakeem as well, if we're talking 2-3 season peaks.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Jokic does this stuff so causally man. And if you watch the game, the numbers don't do it justice. There's just this utter sense of control.

65% at the rim, 63% from mid range.

There's no player in the NBA who could take this roster (without Murray) into the playoffs, imo. With Giannis stepping up, KD having a hell of a season, and Embiid learning to playmake, I've seen fans argue cases for those guys either being the best in the world, or, AS good as Jokic right now/as impressive.

And to those fans... I ask, why? What bias do you have that makes you say this?

There's no one who is as impressive by the eye test. There's no one as impressive on paper. And there's no one close to him in ANY advanced stat this year.

This season, he's currently having the best PER season of all time, which leaves him with the two best ever. He's also having the best BPM season ever, a stat in which he has the top 2 ever. He also is having another top 10 all time WS/48 season ever, and WAS having the best season of all time prior to Murray going down, and his two ejections.

Yes. PER, WS/48 and BPM aren't the best statistics, but the fact is, he's putting up all time great PER, WS/48, and BPM seasons at a level and frequency only occupied by Michael Jordan and Lebron James. Consider the fact that he's leading the NBA in PER, WS/48, BPM as well as in VORP, EPM and PIE this season, again, after winning the finals without another all star...

There's no one close right now. And you can count on one hand how many players have EVER peaked higher.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Tatum doesn't get enough credit for being a defender. Best 2 way wing in the NBA.

He never campaigns for it, but he's been playing 2nd team defense almost his entire career.

He's a VERY good team defender, and is a very good man defender. Teams never attack him on defense. Never.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

A finals and 4 conference finals appearances before our superstar turns 26.

You absolutely cannot say the same.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Get out of the 2nd round and make the world forget Embiid's historically bad regular season to playoff fall off, and him being the only MVP to never make a conference finals.

You guys have nothing until Embiid actually convinces people he's a top 5 player when it matters.

Time is ticking.

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