
joined 1 year ago
[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

“Scary door” from Futurama

It’s a play on the twilight zone and it’s quite something.

“A casino where I’m always winning? This must be heaven!” “A casino where I always win… I must actually be… IN HELL!”

“No Mr. smith. You’re not in heaven or hell. You’re on an airplane!”

“Help! There’s a gremlin destroying the plane! You’ve gotta believe me!”

“Why should I believe you?! You’re Hitler!”

For those interested: The Scary Door

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Same. Recently went to Seattle and my family was weirded out that I was almost more enthralled by the massive amounts of concrete structures and huge metal industrial complexes and shipyards than the ocean. Metal and steel structures, even when rusted over just make me feel this surreal calm. There’s also something so beautiful about blackberry bushes growing over brutalist concrete structures, even if it’s just a highway overpass

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 5 points 2 months ago

You ever seen gattica? Similar concept

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 4 points 2 months ago

Please make sure it’s more than a year old so that it will (hopefully) be available somewhere.

Yes. We should definitely try to make it accessible without needing to pirate it. Speaking of, check out FMHY if you want to know what sites to avoid so you don’t accidentally pirate anything.

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Lately I’ve started forcing myself to do nothing during those moments, like literally nothing. I set a timer for an hour and then turn off my phone and computer and lay down or just sit and kind of stare at a wall.

The boredom is horrible but the good news is that by the end of the hour, usually my mind has come up with a few things it would rather do than nothing.

Also, sometimes I can’t make it the full hour doing nothing but I only let myself do productive/healthy things like reading or doing dishes. It’s not really enjoyable but by the end of the hour it does feel slightly good that I was slightly productive.

Idk if it’ll work for you and idk if I’ll be able to keep doing it, but maybe it’s worth a shot. Tell me how it goes if you try it lol.

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Dark Souls remastered. Getting cursed just before reaching a boss and having no money to buy a cure forced me to either give up, grind, or “get gud.”

I beat the boss without getting hit once. I know other people probably do that for every boss but for me that’s a big achievement since I suck at combat and video games in general.

In other news, the game is hard but beautiful and the level design is pretty impressive. I’m looking forward to marathoning the other souls games after this.

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Same lol. Had three group assignments last semester, not fun.

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 27 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Just because I’m an engineer doesn’t mean I’m autistic!

I mean, I am autistic.

But not because I’m an engineer!

[–] hihi24522@lemm.ee 3 points 8 months ago

Never read The Great Gatsby?