Tap for spoiler
I feel you though
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i never really understood what an "aggregator" is, so i just looked it up.
apparently it's a thing which like - collects some data and then presents it on their page... which i guess is every social media platform... i dun get this
EDIT: weewoo i get it now u cn stop commenting >~<
that's the original purpose of Reddit, someone posts a link to something they found interesting after they have "read it" :)
Also Digg for those who remember
wow that's a memory that came from deep down ^^
not sure if i want to digg that deep
The way i would explain it is, that this platforms purpose is to provide a comment section for the articles and screenshots posted here. Voting is a secondary feature that allows it to be used for entertainment/news purposes by making high quality, important or funny posts more visible.
It's when like, you grow food and stuff
but you're a long low reptile
Links are what make the web amazing. I guess I’m turning into a curmudgeon because I liked the internet better when it was more than 5 sites. I like blogs and weird art sites and homepages. I hate “install this app” and “sign up to view this”.
I like that my browser can have plugins to block ads or translate stuff in other languages or replace “billionaire” with “oligarch”.
A link without context sucks though. Don’t just say “rule”.
i guess that makes me a cumdungeon too or whatever you said
I just am a little nervous accepting rides from strangers as the journey may be long and dangerous, or worse, slap me in the face with a pop up asking for my email to continue reading the article I was barely invested in to start.
Yeah, I find it annoying when the title sounds vaguely interesting and then there's nothing there but a link. Give us a bit of discussion...if you found it worth linking, don't you have something to say about it?
Also people need to stop just copying the title of the article they link to. Those titles are always clickbait. Instead relabel it honestly for people here.
tbf some communities require them to copy the title verbatim
Preach !
It is also annoying when it happens in one of those questions like explaininglikeim5 or askscience etc.
"What an interesting question with so many comments, let's see what OP thinks of all the responses " and then they just disappear into the void.
It was conjured from your thoughts, give us some follow-up from your brain.
Any problem with Link bro?
naw, he cool
EDIT: edited now
to naw
I'm with ya. especially videos.
Cause it's always a 10-20 min that could have easily been an article that takes 2 mins to read.
how else is the content creator gonna fit 3x 5-30seconds ads in there?
Then why even use a link aggregate site in the first place? 🤷🏻♂️
because the people here are nice and i like interacting with them. i don't care for article reposts, im just here for the funzies
the people here are nice
Damn, you must have a blocklist a kilometre long
uhm.... no. i just only stay on local
and subscribed
maybe this is an all
-only issue. i have only had some very rare times where people were rude or saying evil stuffs.
i only blocked one person, who just randomly said "stop putting word in my mouth" and accused me of sexualizing butts even tho that was the posts point... no other blocks still tho.
Because threaded forum discussions are about more than posting links. I mean look at me right now. I'm replying to you, to your comment, but not to the whole thread. People can follow our replies separate from the group. It's a game-changer compared to the old-school forums which had one long reply chain to the thread and the thread alone.
Links? in my link aggregator? Its more likely than you would think.
im not here for the links, im here for the comfy peeps who are super nice and post nice stuff and like - u kno, are reasonable and fun to interact with.
i dun want to be thrown on some site which wants me to pay 4$ to not be tracked, i dun want to be thrown onto Musks platform, i wanna stay here! in the land of comf peeps and vibes
me on my link aggregator site: there better not be any goddamn links here
yes, these links got no reason to be here >:(
(i literally do the same as op though hehe, too lazy to exit the app to view a link)
“The lemmy” reminds me when my grandparents refer to Facebook as “The facebook “
that's kinda the fine i was going for. like lemmy is a place u go to or something, to share what u did today.
they're annoying and like - i enjoy lemmy. it a fun platform. but - not them links... especially when the links are owned by evil cooperations >;(
It depends, i think the problem is when it's just a link and nothing else to engage with, i'm very unlikely to bother opening a new tab just to see what the fuck a post is about.
If however there's a relevant thumbnail and embed or manually copied text, then i can get the gist without leaving the front page.
yes, same. if i ki da understand what it's about, im totally gonna click. if just "rule", I'm not gonna or if it's a super click-baity dumb stuff also not ~
“Do you guys not have browsers?!”
nono, we do, but it feel uncomf to switch to
I'm the opposite. I'd rather click on links than read memes.
I hate memes.
The Lemmy